Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Is this my daughter??

There is a lot going on, and I have plenty to blog about, but just don't have the time today :( But I have to make a quick post about Mia.

First, she lost her first tooth over the weekend! It has been loose for a while, and we knew it was about ready to come out, but she was really scared. I bribed her with the promise of treats, tooth fairy visits, etc. . .She was crying and terrified. finally she allowed us to wiggle it and after a minute, it just popped right out! She was all smiles after. And of course she got her Three Musketeers and a Tooth Fairy visit too :)
The other thing I just has to share about Mia is that on sunday, she got up and bore her testimony in church! Elizabeth wanted to go up, and talked Mia into going up with her. I thought for sure she would be one of those kids that would stand there for a second and then run back to their seat, terrified! Elizabeth went first and did a great job. Mia got right up there, shared her testimony and sat down. Who is this child?? Is she the same little girl that just a short while ago I worried about because she wouldn't talk. . . like at ALL!? One of her previous primary teachers (who taught her in the height of her "selective mutism") came up to me after in tears. .. she couldn't believer that this was the same Mia she taught in class. She told me that she had found Mia and given her a hug and asked her how she found her courage to get up there. I guess Mia told her "her sister". So way to go Elizabeth for being such a great example for your sister. It was a surprising and happy moment.


Shannon said...

Hugs to both of the girls; those are the moments that make it all worthwhile.

Julia Kelly said...

How awesome!! I love 'proud' momma moments! Very cool.

Kurt Toolson said...

That's great.

Jaime said...

That is so wonderful! Way to go Mia!

becky said...

Very sweet.

Linda Toolson said...

You have every reason to be happy about those cute girls. It isn't easy to get up the courage to stand and bear your testimony. Especially amazing for Mia.