Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kennedy!

Kennedy turned 9 today. She woke up this morning and was anxious to open her presents. She really wanted to have a party with her friends, so we spent the afternoon celebrating with a "Poka Dot Party".

I love Kennedy. She is a really special girl and has a great group of friends that she is sad to leave when we move. We won't be far, so we will have to have some play dates at our new house!!
House update. . . . .we sign the papers to sell our house tomorrow morning, and have to be out by Sat. evening. So we have a long couple of days ahead of us. We don't close on our new house until next wednesday, so have to make special arrangements to move in a few days early, and pay "rent" for a couple of days.


Julia Kelly said...

Happy Birthday Kennedy! You are such a sweet girl and Loraya misses you! She talks about going to Utah and seeing Kennedy all the time! Wish we could come out sometime this summer....maybe next summer! Hope you had a good birthday!

Shareen said...

Happy birthday Kennedy! I'm curious what's involved with a "polka dot party". You'll have to update the Kindrick Kids blog and let us know. Good luck with all that work Kristie!

Heidi said...

Happy Birthday Kennedy!! Lily had such a great time at your party -- thanks for inviting her!

Linda Toolson said...

Glad you had a great birthday. I'm so glad I was able to come up even if I missed the party. You are a great little (not so little) person. I love you lots. You have such a kind heart and pleasant personality. You were a great help on the move this weekend, especially watching the littler ones.

Shannon said...

Happy Birthday, Kennedy! We are looking forward to seeing you guys in a few days. Good luck with all of the house stuff... just think, this time next month you will be all settled in your beautiful new home!