Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's Official!

We have been pretty busy here, and our internet service is a little unreliable right now, but just wanted to announce that we have officially sold our old house, moved, and bought our new one! Exciting times around here.


Linda Toolson said...

You are definitely to be commended. You guys did a great job of selling and buying a great new place.

I have to tell something on Kristie and Dave. They had this awful looking (sorry) couch and loveseat downstairs which someone had given them. I doubt the DI would take it. But by darn they sold it to be guy moving in for $75.00! Way to go.

Julia Kelly said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! I'm sure you guys are very busy getting settled into your new place. Can't wait to see pictures and hear more about your move. Are the kid sad to be leaving their neighboorhood and ward? Thinking of you guys, wish I was there to help in someway.

Lots of love

Shannon said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see your new house... in two days! :)

Brenda said...


you guys are so hard to catch...we've been by a couple of times, once with cookies even, and we can't seem to find you guys at home. we'll keep trying...can't wait to see your place!