Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Pioneer Day!

Most of you know that July 24th is Pioneer Day here in Utah. . .and we celebrate when the pioneers first entered the Salt Lake Valley. It is a state holiday and we celebrate in style. Earlier in the week, the girls were able to participate in the children's parade here in Spanish Fork. All the different wards in the area have floats that the kids get to ride on or march by. The girls loved being a part of that, and it was a first for us. . .. but it is a huge tradition around here. Here are Kennedy and Elizabeth after the parade was done, showing off their red, white, and blue, and also their "support our troops" ribbons. Sitting beside them are a couple of our new neighbors that the kids pal around with.

Luke celebrated like a true pioneer by going on a Pioneer Trek in Wyoming this week. He got up bright and early Monday morning (5 am) to load the buses for his fun adventure. Here he is before he left on Monday. I was lucky that David was kind enough to get up and drive him to Springville that early. Luke went with our old stake and had a great time. I asked him what his favorite part was, and he said the bus ride there and back!! So I am not sure if he caught on to the pioneer spirit!
When I went to pick him up late Wednesday night, be had a little friend with him. . . .a horny toad lizard. I didn't really want to have him bring this home, but he insisted and I caved in. He enjoyed "Fred" for a few days, but was sad to find him Passed on earlier today. Much to my horror, David decided to have a science experiment. . . . I didn't have anything to do with it, but David wants to preserve "fred" to keep in his classroom. . . . I told him he absolutely couldn't keep it here at the house. I am mean, I know. I will spare you more details, but there is more to the story, I just can't get myself to write it. . .. it just seems morbid, but David thinks it is cool. Ask me some other time if you wish. . ..
On to other topics. . . .
Our Children's Parade entry placed third, so we were able to be a part of the "Grand Parade" today. So the girls were very excited to be a part of the big parade. They are intently listening to instructions here in this picture. .. really they were very happy. David actually came out for the parade to see the girls, and any one who knows him knows that this is a big deal. . . . he HATES parades. He would rather go dig a ditch or get a root canal than watch a parade. But is was fun seeing their cute, smiling faces waving at us.
So Happy Pioneer Day to all of you!!


Linda Toolson said...

It looks like you had a great time. I haven't seen a good parade in a long time. The girls look very cute decked out in their red, white and blue.

Shareen said...

That's so funny that Luke's favorite part was the bus ride. And if you're squeamish about the lizard story, I know I would be too. I'm not asking. You have my full support of keeping whatever it is out of the house.

Shannon said...

Happy Pioneer Day! It sounds like you celebrated in grand style. What a nice dad David is to face one of his horrors to watch the kids. :)
Luke looks great in his Trek clothes. I guess his new friend wasn't made to live in captivity. I am too squeamish to get any details, but am imagining plastic baggies of lizard parts in a cooler in your garage....

becky said...

Maybe it is better to not share ALL the details, I am sure I can handle them but not everyone. I can a cat story I can share so we can compare! We disected a cat in our anatomy class at Shoreline CC for nursing school, ask me the rest of the details :)