Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mia is off to Kindergarten!

Oh my, time passes! A few years ago I thought the day would never come when all my kids are in school. . . . but the time is here! Mia is soooo excited for school. She had a hard time waiting a WHOLE week while her siblings went off to school, but today was the big day for her! I have her in afternoon, so I just dropped her off at Noon and then she will get to walk home with Kennedy and Elizabeth after school. What a big girl!!

When she first gets to her class room, she is to move her "shell" over to show that she is here today!
Her teacher, Mrs. Bennett. I think she will be fabulous. When we went in for Mia's assesment last week, she did so great! She told her all her letters, counted, etc. Did everything for her! I wasn't sure if Mia would regress and not talk when she got to school this fall. . . . but she is doing incredible! She is still a little leary and shy, but with a little bribery. . . .she does great.
No, I didn't cry. But it is a little strange dropping her off. . . . I am glad I still have my mornings to spend with her. I will miss her saying:
"yes" (i say)
"I love you"
She says that several times a day. I will miss her!!


Shannon said...

She looks so cute! I remember when Joe went to kindergarten, everyone asked me what I was going to do with all of my free time. I became a PTA officer and volunteered in all three classrooms... so long free time, haha.

Julia Kelly said...

She looks just so dang cute! I've been thinking of Mia and how she would do in Kindergarten...glad she's doing so well!

Jaime said...

She looks so cute & grown up. What a milestone today. How terrific that she talked to the teacher. I bet she's going to do great.

Shareen said...

I love half-day kindergarten. It's nice sending them off into the world but still having all that extra time with them too. I'm glad she's doing well and likes to go.