Sunday, April 24, 2011

A week of adventures

OK, so these pictures are all messed up. . . but can't seem to get them where I want them to be so you will get a story that is all jumbled.

This has been another crazy week. Definitely some ups and downs. I won't share the downs, but just say that they are downers for sure. But I will focus on all the good things this week.
We were lucky enough to get to have Kyle stay with us Tuesday night and take him to the MTC on Wednesday afternoon. Definitely a high of the week! We are so happy and proud of him and the journey he has taken to get where he is at. He looked so good in his missionary suit. . .so happy. We took the kids out of school Wednesday morning so we could all spend some time with Kyle before we dropped him off. Here is Luke being dropped back at school with Kyle.
Kyle's last meal was at Golden Corral. They let missionaries eat free before they go into the MTC, so we all stuffed ourselves!
This picture was in the morning before the girls left for school. Kyle wasn't in his suit yet for the day. . ..
OK. . .this picture is totally random and out of order. Our weather in the spring is a little crazy. Never know what each day will bring. So you have to enjoy every bit of sunshine you can get because the next day will be rainy and cold. We met up with a few cousins one sunny day last week to play. The kids had fun.
Now back to Kyle. . ..
The Dropping off at the MTC certainly has changed. You drive up to the curb, they tell you that you have two minutes to get your luggage out, say good bye, and leave. No time for dramatic goodbyes, that is for sure! Again, these photos are out of order. This is supposed to be the last picture. Kyle being led by his escort, to where ever they take the missionaries!
One hug from Mia! Getting out the bags. . . .Kyle was in really good spirits all morning. I think the butterflies started to come as we were actually driving up the hill approaching the MTC! He was starting to take some deep breaths. . .
Just David, Mia, and I dropped Kyle off at the MTC. We took the other kids back to school after we ate. There was an escort that met ust the curb, and he wouldn't take a picture of all of us! He said it "wasn't allowed" and looked at my phone like it held the plague or something. . . so we didn't get a photo of all of us. David just took this one of Kyle, Mia, and I. But that have the system there down to a science! So many volunteers as all these missionaries arrive.
Getting the luggage out. . .. the clock in ticking!
OK. . .. on to the other highlights of the week. Mom and Dad were able to be here for Easter. They were on their way home from Kyle's farewell and stopped for a couple days to spend the weekend with us.
I woke up Saturday morning and decided at about 8:40 to run the girls down to the city easter egg hunt. We were out the door in 5 minutes ( so no hair was fixed. . .so ignore messy hair!), and barely got there in time to participate. There were ALOT of people there. But is was really well organized and we have such a nice sports park that each area was really big for each age group. The girls got a lot of eggs, and some nice prizes, like coupons for frosties and Wendy's, free drink at Sonic. . .etc. But the Grand prize goes to Elizabeth. . . . .
SHE WON A BIKE!! I still can't believe it! One of her eggs had a little paper in it to pick up a bike! This is coming from someone (me) who has never won a thing in my life! The really cool thing is that Elizabeth really needed a bike. She was actually staring to save her money to get one. Wow. .. isn't she lucky??
So today is Easter. We had a really nice day. Stake Conference (which was a little weird to have on Easter, but still nice), coloring eggs, egg hunts, nice dinner, Harry Potter watching, Cheese cake eating, Family Home Evening lesson, family prayer, puzzles. . . .It was a nice day.
I tried to get a few pictures of the kids after church. My attempts didn't work out too good. . .
Well, we tried, anyway. . . They looked really cute.
I was going to post another picture of our house project project. But it's dark outside now so that will have to wait till tomorrow!
I just have to say that I am so greatful for the blessings in my life. Although there were some rough times this week, those are far outweighed by such wonderful blessings. Have a great Easter, I know I am greatful for the moments I have to stop and reflect what truely matters in this life. Thanks to all of you for all your love and support. LOVE and miss so many of you!!


Julia Kelly said...

I'm a little jealous that you got to spend so much time with Kyle (probably not as jealous as some :))
It's crazy how much has changed with dropping Missionaries off. I'm sure Kyle was glad to have you guys there.

Glad you got to spend time with Mom and Dad on Easter too. The kids look cute as always....
I need to update my blog as well....

I think I need to call you to get the whole scoop...I'm too nosey to just hear the good stuff...


becky said...

maybe you can conference call with me and Julia haha, that will save you time and you only have to tell the story once! you know that's what families are for....good times and bad! i have been looking for the pictures of Kyle so thanks for posting them, I was also looking for an emal today and it didn't come so at least I got the pics....thanks!
and double thanks for your love and support of Kyle through the years, especially the last year!

Shannon said...

I, too, am jealous you got to spend Easter with your folks; I thought we might get to keep them for a bit. :) Thanks for letting us store B's stuff in your garage for the summer, and for letting Kurt crash at your house.

It is fun to see the MTC photos of Kyle - he is going to be such an awesome missionary.

Congratulations to Elizabeth, winning a bike is a big deal!

Finally, thanks for spending your break with us at the mall. It was good to catch up, if only for a few minutes. I hope everything works out.

Shareen said...

Congrats on the house. Congrats on the job. Congrats to Lizzy on winning a bike. All exciting. Those pictures of Kyle being led away are very emotional.