Saturday, June 18, 2011

"Extreme Room Makeover"

Today is Kennedy's birthday. . . she is 11! She has said that all she wanted for her birthday was to have her room decorated and redone. (Well, maybe she had a couple other things on her list. . . but she has been drawing room designs for months now!)So We decided to fulfill her wishes, because she is such a good, sweet, girl, and we both felt that she needed something big like this. Lucky for us, she left for a three day, two night camp on Thursday. She gets back in about an hour now. . . .So we have worked a little magic while she has been gone! I am giddy with excitement, because I know she will be thrilled. .,. .and sooo surprised as well!

Unfortunately I didn't take any before photos. So imagine blank walls, furniture that doesn't match, that's old. .. etc. We found this beautiful bedroom set off of KSL and picked it up yesturday. Dresser, desk, poster bed. etc.

David did almost all of the painting. We just painted three of the walls, but the colors are really vibrant and I really love the contrast.
I love the circles I placed in two separate walls!
This wall is basic and lovely. I also made her a magnet board that will also go on this wall. We haven't hung it up yet. . . but it's cute :)
My neighbor has a vinyl lettering maker, and helped me cut out a lot of the wall decor. What a fun gadget to have, right?? Well, I'm off to pick her up and then bring her home for her surprise! I think I'm more excited than she is!


Linda Toolson said...

It looks so cute. I wish I could see her face when she walks in. She is a good, sweet girl.


Shannon said...

That is SO fun! What did she think? I can't believe she is 11... on more year and she'll be in YW!

Julia Kelly said...

VERY cute! The kids (lo and Isaac) have been begging me to paint their room as well. I bet she was so happy!

becky said...

That is so awesome! Let us all know what her reaction was, and I think as parents we are often more excited about waiting for the kids to open their Christmas gifts etc... :)

Shareen said...

Don't you hate it when you leave a comment and then check back days later and it's not there?
Anyway, the room looks cute. I hope her reaction was everything you were hoping for.