Tuesday, August 23, 2011

and they're off!

school started yesterday! this will be the last year all three girls are at the same school. kennedy is in 6th, elizabeth is in 3rd, and Mia had her first day of all day school in 1st grade.....all mykids are in school all day now. i miss having mia around to keep me company. I remember a time when I would dream of having all the kids in school....now it is here. time goes by.the house is really quiet.


Shannon said...

I remember how weird it was the first time all of my kids were gone full day... it seemed like there should be oodles of free time, but it quickly filled up with so many classrooms to volunteer in!
Good luck to everyone on the new year!

Shareen said...

I do sometimes miss those kindergarten half-days. Mostly, Shannon is right - the days fill up quickly. This is my girls' last year together too - until Camille's senior year of high school. Weird.

becky said...

You will learn to love the quiet really quickly and appreciate a little more the craziness when they are home!

Jaime said...

Ohhh, you're making me sad. I don't look forward to both my kids in school & a quiet house. I'm already gettin choked up at the thought of our 2nd year of preschool starting in September. So sad that they grow up so fast.