Thursday, November 8, 2007


So here goes, I write 5 random facts about myself.. . .I've actually struggled to think of 5.

  1. I really like the LOOK of snow. .. there is nothing like a snow storm that covers everything in a blanket of white. If you have no where to go, have a warm place to cuddle, and some yummy hot chocolate, it is wonderful. But, I HATE driving in it, and I do not like the cold. .. so maybe I don't really like it after all!
  2. I prefer Warm, being in the sun, at the beach or by the pool. I still think Shareen lives in one of the best places. .. although I wouldn't enjoy the scare of the fires recently.
  3. I really like laughter. .. and smiles. .. I need to do both more often. I love hearing my children laugh, and it is even better if I am laughing with them.
  4. I really enjoy reading. There is nothing like a great book. I have to be careful though, because I can get so wrapped up in a book that I neglect everything else. Moderation, right?
  5. I love any chance I get to go out with David. I don't care if we only go grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. .. it is a date to me. I love my children with all my heart, but these rare "get-away" moments are very special.

There you have it. .. not too interesting, but that is what popped in my head at the moment. I have no one to tag. . .Not much of a friends list yet. But I do enjoy reading others. When you wrote about your love of shoes Julia, it made me look in my closet and I think you would be appaled at my sorry collection. Maybe I need to get a love of shoes as well!


Anonymous said...

Loved your comments. Maybe I should take you shoe shopping when I next see you. Every women should have a love of shoes and purses!