Thursday, October 13, 2011

Front entryway

I have been a stressed out basket-case for a while now. Like I've had melt downs, I can't sleep at night, anxiety, etc etc. There are several factors to me being a crazy-person lately. But a major one has been our construction project. We started last April. The first picture below is a "before" picture. . . well not quite before, because there is already a pile of dirt, but as close as I got to taking a "before" picture of our front. NOTHING has been completed on time, We are still trying to get closed on our final loan, budget has been over, money is tight. . . etc etc. Just a few factors to my stress. Why am I sharing this?? Not sure. I guess I have to get a little off my chest. When we started making plans to add on to our house about a year ago, we decided to also re-do our entryway. I am soooo glad so did!

This is the outside to our new entryway. We added the gable, put in a new solid wood front door, and opened up the entry way. I have alway hated how when you open the door, there is no room to come in, and the stairs to downstairs are right there! Well, no more. . .
Here is new light in the entryway that David just put up last week.
I don't have a "before" picture of the inside. I wish I did. But basically where the dark wood flooring starts is the area that we added. Before our front door was right where the tile starts in the photo with the step down stairs right there. We almost had a couple people take a tumble down the stairs. . . that won't happen now!! I love our new entryway. We have the wood floor that will eventually replace all the tile. . . but we haven't started removing the tile yet. That will be another project this winter. Yes, something more for me to stress about!! I love the window over the door, I love having a real entryway now, I love the wood floor, I love the gable in the front and the pole. So I am really happy with our new entryway. Am I still stressed? YES. But things are winding down a little. .. . .more to come later :)


Julia Kelly said...

I'm stressed just reading about all your stress!

I LOVE it!! I'm glad you love it too.

I know a thing or two about stress as well: running always helps me, as well as taking a few minutes to remove myself from whatever situation is making me crazy.

Keep the pictures coming!!

Shannon said...

Kristie, it is beautiful!!! Sorry to hear it is all so overwhelming... hopefully it will be like labor, worth it in the end. :)

Bronte said...

beautiful! cant wait to see your house and hang out with the girls tomorrow :)

Shareen said...

Sorry the project has been so hard. I know with my picture project everything took longer and cost more than I was thinking. I love your front door. Everything looks nice.

Shareen said...

I wrote "picture" but meant "kitchen"

Linda Toolson said...

Soon you will be able to just enjoy all the hard work. I don't think I have ever heard of a remodel project that was finished on time and on budget.

becky said...

I guess ditto to all the other's comments already posted, I get stressed cuz we aren't doing any projects lol! Bob is a cash man, I would take a loan and just get it done but we do it a LITTLE at a time....which is also stressful....and sometimes it does help to just get it off your chest! It looks great....