Saturday, August 23, 2008

When you only have one working vehicle. ..

You learn to improvise!

All week, David has been riding his bike to and from work so I can have the van. This morning he had several games to ref in Spanish Fork, and Kennedy had her first soccer game, and Luke had soccer practice. So how do we get where we need to go? Well, today was my turn to use the bike. The girls and I left early for Kennedy's game (which was over 2 miles away) on our bikes. Kennedy was a trooper. She kept a smile on my face as she sang little jingles all the way home. Luke had to get himself to practice. Luckily the field he had to get to is right across the cemetary from our house. It was kinda fun riding the bikes. I'm just not sure what we will do next week, when David has to ref, and ALL THREE KIDS have a game to be at. That could be a challenge!

By the way, Kennedy's team lost today 3-1. They looked pretty good, though, and Kennedy was a little ball of fire out on the field!


Julia Kelly said...

how do Mia and Lizzy do in the tailer together? :) Looks kinda fun to ride bikes around...but maybe it will get old after a while.

Shannon said...

I am impressed with you, Kristie, as always. I think I could barely haul myself around on a bike, let alone pull two other people!
And I must have missed something...what happened to the PT Cruiser?

Anonymous said...

Is Daves bike the light pink scooter parked on the side of the school?? :D

Heidi said...

You are Mrs. Fitness of America so why am I not surprised that you are biking all over Springville? You will have to e-mail me and tell me when you kids have games -- maybe my kids have them at the same place and time & I can come get them.

mycattripoli said...

we know this scenario- one working vehicle-so glad your kids are so involved in sports- so good for kids!

Unknown said...

shannon, we sold the pt in july thinking we would have the truck, but the truck is sitting in the driveway. .. david is working on getting it fixed. .. eventually.

HA, ha, Very funny, alli. he rides a bike, not a scooter!

Heidi, with this weekend being labor day, i guess there are no games this sat. .. but you could hear from me later!

kelly said...

wow, that is inspiring!
that would last for about 2 minutes around here.