Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What have we been up to??

There just doesn't seem to be time to get caught up. . .. so here is another taste of happenings around hereSwimming lessons. . . All three girls have been taking lessons and are doing fantastic!! Of course Kennedy celebrated a birthday last month. We went to jumping jacks and Kennedy invited one of her good friends to come along. After, we asked her where she wanted to eat. .. and she said she wanted steak!! We went to the Golden Corral, figured there was a bit of everything there.
Elizabeth lost one of her front teeth. It was a bit of a traumatic experience for her. . . can you tell her eyes are red in the picture?? But we got it out of there and the tooth fairy came, too! We have squeezed in one more hike into our schedule. . . .but that is it. I am so busy at work that my one a week isn't likely now. . .. but we still get out when we can. This was a nice short hike up to another waterfall. Last night we got together with David's family at the Lindon Pool to celebrate a couple family birthdays. It was a beautiful day, and we really enjoyed playing for the afternoon and into the evening. The boys really liked the surfing simulater and spent the whole day on that.

I have been terrible at picture taking.. . . here are a few more things that have happened this month. .

  • Luke Celebrated his 13th birthday!! Yikes. . . let the teenage years begin!!
  • Kennedy took a week long trip to California with my parents to visit Shareen and her family. My Mom documented the trip on her blog.
  • Luke spent a week at Scout Camp at Bear Lake. I think it is pretty cool to go to Bear Lake for scout camp!! He had a blast. . . .
  • I have worked a whole lot of hours at Nordstrom!
  • Jacob and Julia and their family came to stay a couple nights. . . .no photos. sigh. Luckily we get to see them again later in the month, so hopefully I will remember to get the camera out!
  • Julia and I snuck out to see Eclipse one night. . . I really liked it!!
  • David has spent a lot of hours working out at the school and taking care of the kids and running our business. . . .he is busy too!

I consider this my catch up. . . . not the best post. But a glimpse of things here. The Nordstrom Anniversary sale starts this weekend. . . .so a lot more working for me!!


Heidi said...

It has been a busy summer hasn't it! At least you are having some fun in between all your working.

I hope we can get together soon!

Love the pics!

Jaime said...

Well, yes you've been busy, but sounds like you've been having lots of fun. I have some family members that would enjoy that surfing simulator thing. Looks fun!

Linda Toolson said...

Good update. We will see you Friday or Saturday. We haven't decided for sure. I am looking forward to checking out the Nordstrom sale.

Shannon said...

Sounds crazy, but mostly fun! Whoever came up with the idea that "living is easy in the summertime" must have been a hermit living alone on a mountain top! :)

Anonymous said...

it makes me tired just reading about all your activities. I realize how pretty much easy my life is now...kinda boring compared to yours!