Tuesday, May 6, 2008

15 Years

No, I haven't put this picture up because I am proud of it. It is just a reminder to myself to be greatful for each and every day. 15 years ago today, I walked out of the hospital from my last chemo treatment. I am greatful for 15 years of health and happiness. I am greatful for hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. I am greatful for skin color ( look how white I am in the picture!). I am greatful for a wonderful family who loves and supports me. I am greatful to have four wonderful children and a great husband who love me. I am greatful for lessons learned during a difficult time in life. I learned that there is always someone out there that is worse off than you. I remember going into the hospital for treatments and being greatful, because each and every time I would meet some young child who had been in and out of the hospital their whole life. I was greatful at the time for 18 years of health before the cancer. I am greatful for the growth of my testimony during this time, Heavenly Father does watch out for us and is aware of everything we go through. I need to remember this. Sometimes regular life gets so crazy that I forget. It is just good for me to stop, pause, and realize everything I have. What are you greatful for?


Julia Kelly said...

i'm grateful for you! you've always been such a wonderful example to me and i've always looked up to you. i'm lucky to be your sister.

Anonymous said...

I so remember going to Washington with Gina during this time and how different you looked! It's good to reflect on how blessed we are. I'm grateful for my small house. I met a lady today who's house was taken away from her, and it made me really grateful for a roof!

Heidi said...

Thanks Kristie for sharing your experience it is a good reminder for all of us. I am grateful for your inspiring words and your friendship.

Anonymous said...

I am grateful that you are here and with us all still. Looking forward to seeing you next month.

Jaime said...

Congratulations on 15 years. May there be many, many more.

Shareen said...

Did I ever tell you one time talking with Barbara Clark (on your oncology team, I'm sure you know) she mentioned how miraculous your recovery was - the type of cancer you had and the age you got it were not good. I'm grateful to have you still as my sister also. On a much lighter note, long, hot showers.

Shannon said...

I am grateful to be your "sister", too. :) That we always have someone to laugh with during the good times, and someone to cry with during the not-so-good ones.
For K, B, P and J. For the beach, hot chocolate and good books.
For people like you, who embrace life.

Anonymous said...

Brings back lots of memories. It was a difficult phase to go through, especially for you, but very difficult for your parents. AS a parent you always want to take away the bad times, and would rather take it on yourself, but we all suffered through it and came out stronger. I'm glad it is all in the past. You indeed are very blessed now with 4 beautiful kids and a good husband. You are a wonderful daughter. Also congratulations on the new car.

Angie said...

I have SO much to be grateful for! I don't remember knowing abou this. I am so glad you are a survivor! You are a great example to me. Some of my friends can't believe I still keep in touch with my YW leaders. I am grateful I had leaders like you:)

kelly said...

happy anniversary kristie.
it's only been a couple years for me, but already i sometimes have to remind myself to just be grateful each day that my body doesn't hurt and that i have the energy to cook dinner.
something i'm grateful for today?
my new bathtub!
and the sunshine i saw for a couple hours this morning..

Brenda said...

I'm grateful for you and your kick butt attitude! Way to go Kristie...you're quite the little scraper and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't of had life any other way. Thanks for your inspiring words and your friendship. Can't wait to see you when we get closer...Brenda