Monday, June 23, 2008


I just had to share a story that happened as we were preparing to leave for Washington over a week ago. . . . I had several errands to do, and the first was stopping by the bank to get some cash. After being out for a couple hours, and also spending a little of the money, I stopped to count the cash I had left. I counted several times, and looked over my receipts and realized that I was twenty dollars short. I couldn't figure how that much money could be missing. I retraced my steps, went to the bank, called the stores I had been to, but no luck. The phone rings Saturday morning as we are preparing to leave. It is an employee from Sam's Club (one of my stops the previous day), and says that someone had found a twenty dollar bill on the ground and turned it in, and she assumed that it was mine. I couldn't believe it, actually. Not only did someone find it, (how I managed to drop a twenty on the floor is beyond me, but I was shopping with three of the kids so was distracted, I guess?) but they turned it in! We stopped to get the money on our way out of town. I am great ful that there are still a few honest people in the world out there. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

That is amazing! It's also a lucky thing you decided to call Sam's club in the first place, or some employee would be walking home with that money.

Heidi said...

That is amazing -- usually people don't return cash! I hope you were able to spend it on something fun & not gas!

Julia Kelly said...

i just love "happy endings!" it's nice to know, like you said, that there are a few honest people in the world.

Jaime said...

That is such a great story. I love that there are people out there like that still. When I was a kid I found a $10 on the ground outside the entrance, I turned it in & I hope that I made someones day just like you.

Shannon said...

Things like that restore your faith in humanity. Thanks for posting it!