Monday, January 5, 2009

Embarassing. . .

. . . That is the word to describe David and I's feelings as we cleaned out and organized our closet last week. Where did all this CRAP come from? Seriously embarassing.
We have a small closet (no walk-in for us) and decided it was time to try and organize it the best we can. So we pulled everything out (our room looked like a bomb went off), painted inside, put up a few organizers, got rid of a bunch of junk and clothes that haven't been worn in three years, and it looks much better. I still wish I had a walk in closet, but we have to live with what we've got for now.
I can't believe I am even putting this picture up. Really embarassing. I should have a picture of the closet "before", but I don't. Just this. Piles of stuff everywhere.
David, measuring to put up our little organizing shelves and hanging racks. The finished product. Not great, but oh so much better than it was before. I hate having a small closet! But a big improvement.


Julia Kelly said...

the finished result looks awesome! Does Dave want to come and do our closet next?? :)

Jaime said...

Doesn't it feel great to get organized. It is such a refreshing feeling. I think your closet looks fantastic. Shelf organizers are the best.

Shannon said...

Kristie, that looks terrific! And as for the before shot... I am impressed that stuff is folded on the bed. If I tossed everything out of my closet, it would probably be on the floor, and look a lot worse!
Soon your room will be so cozy, you won't ever want to leave it! :)

gina said...

i too am impressed with the before shot. your piles look better than most of my organized space.
closet organizers are awesome!

becky said...

I am impressed that you and David are alway's doing projects around your house, I wish we would do more.

Anonymous said...

Its amazing how much stuff you can accumulate. I love getting rid of stuff more than I love buying stuff. The less stuff we have the easier it is to keep clean.
Your closet looks fabulous.

Shareen said...

Not embarrassing - impressive you tackled the project. I just love a finished organization project. I should do something I can maintain like my closet, because my girls' toys organization project is already a big, jumbled mess.

kelly said...

i love that feeling too!
so nice to see things organized and tidy!