Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Easter!

We have had a good week or so. . . here are the highlights. All in St. George!!

We were able to cross paths with the Toolsons and Eberles in St. George the past few days. We didn't see the Toolsons too long, but were still happy to spend the time together that we did!
We spent Easter weekend trying to keep the kids entertained. We took the girls to a community candy pick up. . . I won't call it an egg hunt because they didn't use eggs! They just spread candy on the grass and let the kids go at it ! It was a bit crazy, but the kids loaded up on tootsie rolls and laffy taffy. . .. so they were happy! But it did remind me why I haven't done the comminity events for that past several years! Can you see in the top right corner all the kids in the picture. This was Mia's group. Can you spot her??
Shareen carefully boiled eggs Saturday afternoon and all the kids colored and decorated some eggs. I didn't get a picture of Camille because she was so fast getting hers done!!

Sunday morning Shareen and I went out and hid candy and eggs out in my parents "back yard". It was the best spot for an egg hunt I have ever seen!! Awesome. . .

The girls had a great time playing with Camille and Anya. David got some golfing in with Kyle (and Luke went one morning as well), and he also got a bike ride in with Mike. Shareen, Mom, and I did get to sneak out Monday afternoon for some pedicures, lunch, and a bit of shopping. . . I always enjoy our walks to the water tower as well! We had a little crazy weather, wind, rain. . . but we at least missed the snow that came down in Spanish Fork!!

We drove home today to sunshine. We have the rest of Spring Break to enjoy at home now. . . .


Jaime said...

Sounds like a very fun time being with family, celebrating the holiday, and enjoying spring break.

(we moved to Snohomish, and so far we're really enjoying it out here in the sticks)

Linda Toolson said...

Loved having all of you here.

Shannon said...

We loved seeing you guys; thanks for making the effort to plan your schedule around us. (The only bad thing is that now we are going through cousin withdrawal!)
You and Shareen deserve the mom of the year award for enduring that candy hunt. That looks like a nightmare!
But I am sad we missed the egg hunt in your parents "yard" - that does look like the best place ever to search!

Julia Kelly said...

Fun pictures! Once again it looks like we missed out on a lot of fun!