Saturday, October 9, 2010

Halloween Party

A neighbor of ours threw a big Halloween party today for the kids. What an endeavor that was. .. there are a LOT of kids in our neighborhood. But the girls were so excited to get dressed up today. Here is Kennedy with her BFF and next door neighbor, Jeanette. They designed their costumes, and Jeanettes' Mom made them from scratch. .. with out a pattern!! WOW, is all I can say. Don't they look cute. The ladybug and the bumblebee. I wish I was talented in that way. . .

Here are the girls with the neighbor kids, all ready to head to the party. Do you see Harry Potter on the end??
Elizabeth actually won "best costume" at the party. She is wearing an old dance outfit of Kennedy's, and is an angel. I knew those dance costumes would come in handy. I have recycled them quite a bit to be used as costumes.
I couldn't believe the 'Loot" the kids came home with from the party. I don't know if I would be brave enough to plan and carry out something that grand. They had made little haunted houses out of graham crackers, had goodie bags, little cups and other little toys. . . needless to say, they had a grand time. And I have to thank my wonder ful neighbors for hosting such a fun event!!


Shannon said...

Love those costumes - I am amazed that your neighbor made the bug ones without a pattern! Great idea to do the party a bit early, too, before things get really crazy. Spread that sugar buzz out! :)

Heidi said...

They all look adorable! I a impressed you have their costume already -- you're the champ!! It sound like a great afternoon!

Shareen said...

Very cute in their costumes. We had that Supergirl costume - I should have passed it down to you. I wish I had some sewing skills too.

Jaime said...

What a fun idea, but I'm with you, sounds like too much work. Love their costumes, they all look beautiful!

becky said...

They look adorable! It almost makes me wish I still had little ones, the key word here is almost! I never liked Halloween because I never felt clever when it came to costumes.