Sunday, January 6, 2008

Snow Gear?

We have had an incredible amount of snow the past couple of days. Coming out of church today was windy and snowy, I've never felt anything quite like it before as we were all running to the car. Yesturday, Kennedy and Elizabeth got dressed to go play in the snow, and this is how Mia come to me, wanting to go out side. What do you think of her snow gear? I especially like the ballet skirt as a touch with just her diaper on underneath and no socks, of course.


Julia Kelly said...

too funny! I don't think Mia would last too long least her hands and head would keep warm.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. My kids will try and go out when it's still dark. Like when we get new snow and they wake up at 6am. They can't understand why I make them wait till the sun comes up rather than wake up the rest of the neighborhood.

Shannon said...

Mia is a style trend-setter...a slave to fashion! Why be warm when you can look "hot"? :)

kelly said...

what a cutie!
too funny...

Shareen said...

that's hilarious Kristie. She looks so pleased with herself.

Anonymous said...

Makes me want to come and give her a big hug. Course, she probably wouldn't let me. Reminds me of when you kids were little.