Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lime Pie

Last night in my ward, we had our annual "Bake Off" for Relief Society. You can bring an appetizer, bread, main dish, salad, or desert to share/be judged. The bishopric gets to judge everything and give the award for best in each category. OK, I have to start by saying that cooking is not my favorite hobby. It's not that I can't cook, I just don't. I keep saying that I should meal plan and get organized that way. .. but almost every night the question comes up. .. What is for dinner? So I scramble to put something delish together, which is half the time followed by complaints of "I don't like this". .. and I wonder why I don't enjoy cooking/mean planning. I do enjoy good food, however. There was a lot of good food last night. Not having much time, I decided to make this lime pie. I got the recipe from my good friend Barbara Paskett several years ago. I think this is what she makes for Keith on his birthday instead of cake. It is really good. Of course mine tastes fine, But last night it was left out on the table during judging/eating for two hours and melted at the church. Needless to say, mine wasn't even close to being voted as best desert.. .. but I bet if Barbara made it, it would have won. She has that touch on things. But after that long introduction, here is the recipe. Yummmy. Easy. Enjoy


4 eggs

1 cup sugar

**beat until fluffy

2 cups cream

2/3 c lime juice

green food coloring

**Add to above mix

**Prepare graham cracker crust:

1 1/4 c graham cracker crumbs

1/4 c sugar

6 T butter

(Here is where my laziness comes in. .. I usually just buy a couple prepared crusts. .. 3-4 for this recipe)

**Top crust with vanilla ice cream

**Finish with Lime mixture from above

Keep in freezer

That's it. Nice and easy.


Shannon said...

Wow...that sounds really, really good! Could I serve it for dinner instead of dessert? Because Bronte's soccer game just barely got over, Kurt and Paul aren't home from football yet, Joe is at soccer practice until 6:30 (another ten minutes) and I am asking the question: what's for dinner? :)

Heidi said...

I have made this too! Barbara is a good cook. My kids totally love this. So does my father-in-law. I made it for him a couple of years ago and he (no lie) ate 1/2 of the 9x13 pan!

Oh & that sounds like it would be a fun activity! I'll have to pass it on.

kelly said...

i'm not much of a cook either.
but this looks pretty yummy!

Jaime said...

This sounds so yummy. I'll have to try it.

Anonymous said...

I got here in time to have a bite. It is very good.