Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Life. . Right NOW

I got this idea from my sister in law, Shannon who originally got it from this blog. The project is called My life, right now.

This is what she says:

"You have everything you need right now to be vibrant, happy and fully engaged in the creative process of life. Sometimes you just have to slow down, look around and realize it!"

This is what we are to do:
  • First take 10-12 pictures that document your life right now, today! They can be photos you take today, or recent ones in your camera
  • Compile these photos into a mini scrapbook or photo album and carry it with you through out the year, looking at it occasionally
  • In one year we are to document our experience

How fun will it be to see how things change/don't change in a years time.

So here are my first couple of photos that document my life. . RIGHT now!

Ok, the first picture if of popcorn. I made three bowls of this today for my kids after school snack. Three bowls a bit excessive, you say? Well, we love popcorn. We always have to have a supply at the house. As a result, there are often popcorn kernels all over the floor, but this is supposed to be about the positive. .. so we love popcorn!

Last week these would have been soccer pictures, but since that is over and done with, this is TODAY. The girls started a little community gymnastics class at the high school on Tuesday. They really liked their first class, and keep asking how long until the next. But they have been inspired to start practicing hand stands, kart-wheels, etc.

Here is Elizabeth and her handstand today. No, no one is holding her feet. She is holding herself up all by herself. Doesn't she look good? She kept asking me to come and watch, because she just did "her best one ever!"Here is Kennedy. I chose this picture for a couple different reasons. First, and most importantly because she is also practicing her handstands. She wanted to go outside for hers so she had some more room. I also chose this picture because it shows a little of my front yard. We had it edged out yesterday and it looks good! I almost have the front yard in acceptable condition, and I want to celebrate that! This is Mia, TODAY. She loves to go outside and ride this old, broken down bike around. Notice the condition of the front wheel. It is a much loved bike. She can also always be seen carrying around this dog, CoCoa. She sleeps with it, takes it everywhere, etc. It is also a much loved dog. Also notice that Mia is not wearing shoes. She does not like wearing her shoes. I put them on to go somewhere, and she has them back off before we even get out the door! Frustrating sometimes. .. and very dirty feet every night. I love this girl. This picture is for Homework time. This is a very regular scene at our house. Luke is such a nice brother sometimes and helps Kennedy out. (Yes, older brothers can be helpful at times!) And no, I didn't make them pose for this picture. I don't love homework time, but I keep thinking of the talk from conference and how one day we will even miss little finger prints left on the wall. .. not sure I will miss homework time, but it is nice when I have the time to sit one on one with one of my kids and see what they are working on at school. That part I might miss one day.

Here is another regular scene at our house. David working on the computer. Our business requires him to do a lot of work using the computer. Mainly artwork. He usually really enjoys this. .. our computer is really slow sometimes, but oops, that is getting negative and this is supposed to be postive, so yeah, he really enjoys doing artwork and helping our business be successful.

So These are my first six pictures for my project. I will finish up tomorrow and show you the rest of my photos.

So, my sister, Julia, and my sister in law Shannon are doing this already. Any one else want to join in this little project? I need to go out and find a little scrap book to hold my pictures. Then I will actually CREATE something. .. . .just reminds me of Heidi's great post about creating from the other day.

Let me know if you try it as well!


kelly said...

i love the idea of this mini-book.
i've been trying to take some pictures this week.
how fun to have 2 little girls doing handstands all the time!
and your yard looks great!

Shannon said...

Hooray! I am so glad you are posting this! I love the popcorn... you got me hooked on that microwave popper. I had to run right out and buy one after Bear Lake, and we love it.

Also, I'm giggling at you for signing the girls up for gymnastics. It looks like they are naturals, but weren't you going to breathe? :)

Unknown said...

Shannon, gymnastics is ONE night a week, and they are both in the same class. So that is still a breather to me compared to 8 games a week at different times and places!

Anonymous said...

I'm very impressed by the girl's hand stands and gymnastic skills. They seem to be really coordinated. Good for you, Luke, helping out your sister.